Creating a new brand to increase awareness and cohesiveness
Nansen is a leading web3 analytics platform for crypto-natives that gives users the insights they need to make smart investment choices in Cryptocurrency and NFTs. With a renewed business focus and the launch of Nansen 2 - their most powerful platform to date for on-chain investors - they needed a new brand to engage consumers, employees and partners.

Brand Strategy
We immersed ourselves deeply in the product to understand its new features, including ‘Signals’, which curate, filter and distil unique and relevant market data; customisation and ‘Segments’ which enable users to set conditions and group wallets to highlight on-chain movements.
From this, we worked closely with Nansen’s internal teams to build a strategic proposition that reflects the unrivalled power of Nansen 2. ‘Miss Nothing’ nods to the quality of their service and a pioneering spirit that unites the Nansen team and its users.
Brand Expression
Reflective of Nansen’s core values, the historic explorer and scientist Fridtjof Nansen is both the namesake and inspiration for the brand. As such, we built a visual identity with exploration at the heart.
The new logo represents a compass spinning on its axis. A leading vibrant green colour illuminates the way. And a suite of patterns replicates the movement within the Aurora Borealis (Northern Lights), a natural wonder within the regions Nansen explored himself.

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