
Making healthcare insightfully honest

Name, strategy and brand experience to launch a new telehealth brand to market
Built on truth and insight from consumer experience
Visual identity elevates elements of the diagnostic journey


From Australian digital healthcare company Eucalyptus, Compound is an integrated and personalised healthcare solution. It carves out a unique proposition by providing deep insight, coaching and accountability, enabling men to optimise their health and achieve longevity by focusing on performance and incremental change.

The program is delivered through a mix of teleheath services, in-app experience, in-person diagnostics & consultations in clinic as well as tailored supplements.

"Historically, we've done all our brands in-house, so we turned to DesignStudio to push it somewhere new and a little weird. DS pushed our tastes and belief in what a healthcare brand can look like. We're thankful for how much they care."

Charlie Gearside


We worked with the leaders of Eucalyptus and program heads of Compound to build a name, strategy and brand to represent the program. An immersive series of workshops, interviews and hands on experiences of the diagnostics helped shape our understanding of the essence and ambition of  this new brand and its distinction in a cluttered category.

Compound’s difference is its analytics and programming. Through clinical grade diagnostics; Dexa scans, VO2 max tests and detailed blood work, the team can identify health issues, set realistic and measurable goals and help motivate clients with the right level of credible insight and support.

Diet, exercise and supplement plans move users towards their goals. All supported by a team of clinicians and health practitioners.


In naming Compound, we wanted to ensure a clear connection to truth and strategy, so brought together the two works streams, building an informed feedback loop.

The name highlights the impact of long-term consistent positive action. It’s not just repetitive efforts which yield results but the small, incremental improvements, when reinvested which create lasting additional positive impact.

Brand Idea

The brand idea ‘To The Power Of’ further amplifies this belief. That your own health and fitness goals come as the result of your own consistent, compounding actions. Brand values; Insightfully Honest, Own the Struggle and Consistency Compounds help the brand dial in its tone and experience throughout each moment of the client journey.

Brand System

At the heart of the brand is the Compound word mark and icon. Inspired by old and new. Gothic and digital. They speak to the deep insight and truth of the analytics and the spirit and ambition to build a new and better you.

That attitude filters into the rest of the brand. Image treatments embody and reference the Dexa scan, a full body x-ray. Moving from from subtle warm tones to vibrant and electric via glitched moments. Helping the brand stand out when needed but also deliver sensitive health information in a calm trusted tone.

Rhetorik and Neue Haas Grotesk create a balance of old and new in the brand typography. The contrast echoing the balance between wordmark and icon.

As a health and fitness brand with passionate cohort of clients, we wanted to give them a place in the brand. Using PolyCam the brand takes the traditional before and after images and transforms them into 3D headshots. Assets with dynamism and personality.

To give the brand flexibility, we allowed space for client created versions of the brand name. Signed, scrawled and written to give character to your own fitness journey. These marks then appear through the client journey to provide personalisation and personality, recognising that each health journey is individual.

To help ensure consistency at each moment, we worked closely with the Compound team to deliver guidance, inspiration and input to the brand and experience across digital, campaign, packaging and spacial.

Special thanks


Charlie Gearside

Sophie Luka

Dan Cable

Cade Fleming


James Duru

Alexis Waller

Benedicte Gouy

Leon Shore

Liam Hill

Kenny Do


Mac Archibald

Marcel Piekarski

Wei Huang

Joel Priestland